We at The Diana Initiative are deeply distraught by today’s SCOTUS ruling. We are upset that pregnant people’s fundamental rights are being revoked, and the precedent this sets for both removing people’s fundamental right to privacy and revoking the hard-won protections of our BIPoC and LGBTQ friends.


This isn’t rhetoric. Lives are at stake.


We hope that you all channel your anger and frustration in constructive ways. We suggest the following resources as touchstones in this time of great need.


For those who are going to protest here are some resources:

For those who want places to donate here are some ideas:


And here is a curated abortion rights resource list:


Respectfully Signed,


As an Organization:

  • The Diana Initiative Board


As individuals:

  • Carlota Sage
  • Nicole Schwartz
  • John Stoner
  • Christine Austin 
  • Korinne Jackman
  • John Ives
  • Virginie Robbins
  • Cherry Han
  • Cheryl Biswas
  • Jaime Borchert
  • Chris Huffstetler 
  • Melanie Warner
  • Jessica Gottsleben
  • Vanessa Remdan
  • Erin Rosa
  • Emmi C
  • Meghan Jacquot
  • Michael Dunn